Thursday, October 04, 2007

Postcards from the Edge (Part I)

Just a sampling of the 3rd Annual WGPT Boy's Poker Trip to Vegas...Days 1 and 2

We're en-route. Time for our (3rd) cocktail.

And is this the face of a man who later party at The Killer's private table at Tao or someone on the terrorist watch list?

Well, both, actually.

And note Treb's requisite orange shirt. Gotta get me one of them.

First Night (Thurs) Some Work While Some Play

While the other boys were grinding the hours in the Mandalay Bay Poker Room, me and Treb were working Rum Jungle.

This is my best Uncle Fester face. Chicks dig it the most.

Friday on the Beach.

"That's like a hundred years of girl-on-girl experience right there, that is."

No comment necessary.

"Is that an iPhone? Really, I've never seen one (except for the one my buddy is using to take this pic.)"

"Are we out of the beer and JD we snuck in?"

Dead soldiers on the beach.