Wednesday, January 04, 2006

On the Road to CES

I'm flying out today from Oakland for CES. Why Oakland? Cuz I waited till a week before CES to make my plans and I'm lucky not to be driving to Vegas. As it is, I am on Mesa Airlines and I have never even heard of Mesa airlines. I think the plane is flown by someone named "Mesa".

(Note to self: Ask friend named Mesa if he owns a plane.)

I'm staying at the Trop and rumor has it (well, their website has it), they gots a cardroom. Doesn't really matter to me, the MGM is across the street one way, the Excalibur the other. Both will keep me satisfied.

The MGM has a SWEET card room with the only live rotation game I have ever seen under $100-$200. I played $3-6 (might have been $4-8) PHORSE their when I was on the boy's trip back in September (Pineapple, Hold'em, Omaha, Razz, Stud, Stud 8/b). We almost got the dealer to deal "Indian Sweat" (more politically correctly called "Bind Man's Bluff", or even more PC "Non-Sighted Man's Bluff") but the pit boss put the kaibosh on it. But that's another story.

In any case, very nice room but I find the tables a little tight (I'm a big dude and don't like people sitting on or too close to least not men in a cardroom. Not that Brokeback Mountain wasn't a great film, I just don't ride that side of the range.).

What was I talking about?

Oh yeah, cardrooms.

So I like MGM, tables too small, but nice. Excalibur I like because of the fun low-limit spread hold'em game they have ($2-8 I think) and the no-ante stud game. And the Luxor is attached with the most "money!" no-limit hold'em game in Vegas.

Think I'll hit them all.


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